For any organisation, their employees are their greatest asset.
The interplay of work on health and health on work is an important issue for responsible employers, workers and to society at large. Occupational health seeks to assist employers manage the effects of work on health and vice versa. We aim to assist employers to put measures in place to manage ill health effectively, whilst involving employees and promote good health and wellbeing for enhanced productivity.
Our occupational health service exists to improve the health of your work force, help prevent work related illnesses, provide early interventions for those who develop a health condition, thus preventing avoidable sickness absence and increase the efficiency and productivity of your organisation.
Our occupational health practice is an independent and confidential advisory service. Our focus is to offer impartial advice regarding the impact of health in relation to work and vice versa.
This would be in the form of Fitness For Work advice, adjustments at work and any other options that would help an employee stay at work or return to work. This allows you as the employer to discharge your duty under any relevant legislation such as The Equality Act 2010 and The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
For an employer, the benefits of an occupational health provision would include:
The benefits to your employee would include: